Volunteer Interest Form

Mark Molner

ONDA Volunteer Information Form

Contact Information
Volunteer preferences
Participation Waiver and Release Agreement
Please read carefully before completing - This is a release of liability and a release of certain legal rights

In consideration for my being permitted by the Oregon Natural Desert Association (ONDA) to participate in various volunteer activities, some of which may take place in the backcountry and wilderness regions of Oregon, I agree to the following waiver and release: I acknowledge that backcountry and wilderness travel, activities and work projects have inherent risks, hazards and dangers that cannot be eliminated, particularly in a wilderness environment. I understand that these risks, hazards and dangers include without limitation:
  1. Risks arising from any activities in areas where no outside services are available or provided; where rescue and advanced medical care and services are limited and will be slow, if available at all; where trail or road conditions vary, are not maintained or controlled and are unpredictable and changeable; where hazards may not be obvious or visible; where weather is changeable and unpredictable;
  2. Risks involved in decision making and route finding in a wilderness environment; and
  3. Such other risks, hazards and dangers that are integral to wilderness travel and any and all outdoor sports and activities that take place in a wilderness environment such as hiking, climbing, mountaineering, backpacking, working, trail construction and repair.
Lastly, for myself, my heirs, successors and executors, I hereby knowingly and intentionally waive and release, indemnify and hold harmless ONDA, its directors, officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, liabilities, suits, expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) and Negligence of any kind or nature, whether foreseen or unforeseen, arising directly or indirectly out of any damage, loss, injury, paralysis, or death to me or my property as a result of my participation in the activities and projects of ONDA, the use of its information services and traveling in a wilderness environment from Negligence of ONDA, its directors, officers, agents or employees, or from some other cause. I further agree not to sue ONDA as a result of any injury, paralysis or death that may occur while participating in its activities or projects.
Photo release: ONDA frequently uses photos of, and by, volunteers in ONDA’s newsletter, web and print publications. I allow ONDA to use any photos I appear in or have provided to ONDA.
I have carefully read, clearly understand and voluntarily sign this participation, waiver and release agreement.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with ONDA!