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Each year, hundreds of Oregon Natural Desert Association volunteers address vital conservation needs in Oregon’s high desert. Volunteers may restore remote desert streams, mail letters, welcome people at ONDA events or attend meetings. There are many different ways to pitch in and help, and we’d love to have you join our vibrant community of desert advocates

ONDA values the diverse identities, experiences, languages, cultures and voices that our volunteer community contributes to our work. Our offices and events are accessible as much as is possible, and we are open to feedback for how we can improve. We offer flexible options so people of many backgrounds, interests and abilities may participate. Reach out to us at with any questions or suggestions.


Discover Desert Pronghorn

Discover Desert Pronghorn


Reid Williams, 2021 Conservationist of the Year

Reid Williams, 2021 Conservationist of the Year

How far are you willing to hike for conservation? Reid Williams offered to put in more than 20 miles a day, by himself, walking and monitoring fence lines on Beatys Butte. And that was on top of weekly visits to the ONDA office, where he is always eager to help with extra projects. In acknowledgment of his willingness and helpful spirit, ONDA named him our 2021 Conservationist of the Year.


Cregg Large, member since 2009

Cregg Large, member since 2009

“I came to Oregon 12 years ago from Texas. Texas, for all its size, has very little public land. Coming to Oregon has made me realize the special gift we as Americans have in our public lands. Volunteering with an organization like ONDA is my way of reciprocating for this gift. Through restoration efforts, I feel we are helping leave a better place than we found it. Through advocating for protection for public lands, we safeguard migration routes for animals and keep the land where it belongs: with the public.”

At the Office and Events

ONDA engages with many volunteers throughout the year who play an integral part in our outreach and events. We appreciate volunteers who assist in the office, tabling or at events such as the ones listed below. To join our list of office and event volunteers in either Bend or Portland, please fill out the volunteer interest form below, or email our team to learn more.

Office Volunteering

  • Portland Office Crew: Join us in our Portland office (2009 NE Alberta St) on Thursdays between 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. for a shift of one to three hours. You’ll assist with hand-writing notes, addressing and stuffing envelopes, phone calls to ONDA members, data entry, and other administrative tasks.
  • Bend Office Crew: Join us in our Bend Office (50 SW Bond St) on Wednesdays between 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. or Thursdays between 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. for a shift. You’ll assist with mailings, data entry, projects to support our stewardship work, and other administrative tasks.


  • Earth Day Fair: Saturday, April 26. Check back later for information about shift times. Join us at the Environmental Center’s Earth Day Fair, where we’ll be connecting our community with ONDA’s work.  Volunteers will meet and greet the public, share information, and encourage sign-ups.


  • Portland Sagebrush Social: Tuesday, June 3 from 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Volunteers will share information about ONDA with guests, encourage attendees to advocate, volunteer and assist with set up and clean up.
  • Bend Sagebrush Social: Thursday, June 5 from 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Volunteers will share information about ONDA with guests, encourage attendees to advocate, volunteer and assist with set up and clean up.

Apply below to volunteer with us!

Office and Events Volunteer Application Form

Using Your Voice

Another critical way you can volunteer in support of your public lands is to become an advocate and your use voice to urge key decision makers to prioritize desert conservation.

You can get on ONDA’s action alert list by subscribing to ONDA’s e-newsletter.

Speak Up Now

Using Your Words

Have a story you want to share? We’d love to hear it!

ONDA’s staff-and-volunteer-run blog features a range of passionate storytellers sharing high desert knowledge and offering new insights. Here, we give Oregon’s desert a deserving voice—and we’re at our best when we showcase a rich array of people, experiences and motivations for supporting conservation.

Because outdoor and environmental writing has historically had a narrow focus, we encourage women, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and other diverse voices to reach out to discuss options for sharing a volunteer piece.

Submissions can take many forms including audio recordings, photo diaries, poetry, narratives, interviews, articles and more. Your creative ideas are welcome, and no experience is necessary.

To get involved, please contact us at with the subject line “Volunteer Contributor.”

Contact Us

In the Desert

In the spring and fall, we engage volunteers in meaningful restoration, stewardship and monitoring projects in the most important habitats across Oregon’s high desert. Registration is now open for spring 2025 trips. Learn more and sign up on our stewardship trips page.

We encourage people of all ability levels and backgrounds to get out with us to take part in our hands-on stewardship trips and deepen their relationship with Oregon’s high desert. All trips are free and no experience is required. ONDA provides all of the tools, equipment and training necessary for the projects.

Find A Trip

With a Group

ONDA also partners with school groups, community organizations, and businesses that want to volunteer together.

Learn More and Apply