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Each year, hundreds of Oregon Natural Desert Association volunteers protect and restore the public lands of Oregon’s high desert.

You might find yourself restoring streams, improving trails, mailing thank you letters, attending meetings, or welcoming people at ONDA events. With many different ways to pitch in and help, your effort, skills and passion are needed and appreciated. We’d love to have you join our vibrant community of desert advocates.


Reid Williams, 2021 Conservationist of the Year

Reid Williams, 2021 Conservationist of the Year

How far are you willing to hike for conservation? Reid Williams offered to put in more than 20 miles a day, by himself, walking and monitoring fence lines on Beatys Butte. And that was on top of weekly visits to the ONDA office, where he is always eager to help with extra projects. In acknowledgment of his willingness and helpful spirit, ONDA named him our 2021 Conservationist of the Year.


Western Meadowlark Dawn Chorus

Western Meadowlark Dawn Chorus




Bitteroot blooms on north-facing cliffs in western North America.

The Paiute name for bitteroot is kangedya. Traditional Native American uses of the plant included eating the roots, mixed with berries and meat, and using the roots to treat sore throats.


In the Desert

Every year, ONDA hosts a variety of group volunteer service trips, led by ONDA staff, to complete habitat restoration work in some of Oregon’s most remote and beautiful landscapes. Visit ONDA’s stewardship trips page to find the full calendar and detailed descriptions of our current stewardship trip offerings.

We encourage people of all ability levels and backgrounds to get out with us to take part in our hands-on stewardship work and deepen their relationship with Oregon’s high desert. All trips are free and no experience is required. ONDA provides all of the tools, equipment and training necessary for the project.

Ready to get out in the desert? Once you’ve selected the trips you are interested in, you can sign-up by filling out ONDA’s 2024 stewardship trip registration form.

Using Your Voice

Another critical way you can volunteer in support of your public lands is to become an advocate and your use voice to urge key decision makers to prioritize desert conservation.

You can get on ONDA’s action alert list by subscribing to ONDA’s e-newsletter.

Speak Up Now

At the Office and Events

Typically, ONDA works with many volunteers throughout the year who play an integral part in our outreach and events. We appreciate volunteers to assist with events, like those listed below. To join our list of office and event volunteers in either Bend or Portland, please fill out the volunteer interest form below, or email our team to learn more.

Upcoming Office Volunteering
  • Bend Office Crew: Every Wednesday, volunteers assist with mailing, data entry, and a variety of other administrative tasks. Prefer to volunteer on a different day? Just let us know, and we can be flexible with scheduling. Computer and non-computer options available.
  • Portland Office Crew: Join us in our Portland office (2009 NE Alberta St) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays between 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. for a shift of one to three hours. You’ll assist with hand-writing notes, stuffing envelopes, phone calls to ONDA members, data entry, and other administrative tasks.
Upcoming Event Volunteering
  • Eugene Sagebrush Sipper: Tuesday, September 10. Alton Baker Park. Volunteers will share information with event guests and encourage attendees to give, advocate and volunteer.
Office and Events Volunteer Application Form

With a Group

ONDA also works with school groups, community organizations, and businesses that want to volunteer together.

Learn More and Apply