Sarah Lindsay

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  3. Sarah Lindsay
Events from this organizer

Summit Creek Planting

Big Creek (Malheur National Forest) Oregon, United States

Join us as we work with the Prairie City Ranger District to plant native vegetation along Summit Creek to improve fish and wildlife habitat. ONDA has worked on Summit Creek in the past and we are excited to be working on the next phase of restoration for this important tributary of the Malheur River. Challenges […]

Bear Creek Fence Repair #1

This day trip is part of a collaboration with the Prineville BLM district focused on restoring riparian habitat. By repairing fences to exclude riparian areas from the impacts of cattle crazing, we will be setting the stage for riparian restoration projects to succeed here in the coming years. Read Complete Trip Details

Bear Creek Fence Repair #2

This day trip is part of a collaboration with the Prineville BLM district focused on restoring riparian habitat. By repairing fences to exclude riparian areas from the impacts of cattle crazing, we will be setting the stage for riparian restoration projects to succeed here in the coming years. Read Complete Trip Details

North Springs Exclosure Fence Construction #2

adel, or Adel, OR

This trip is part of a series of projects that will provide a demonstration of what habitat restoration work can accomplish in the Beatys Butte area. By working to restore the hydrology and plant communities around springs and other mesic areas at North Springs, and protecting these restored areas with exclosure fencing, we will be […]

Summit Creek Planting #2

Big Creek (Malheur National Forest) Oregon, United States

Join us as we work with the Prairie City Ranger District to plant native vegetation along Summit Creek to improve fish and wildlife habitat. ONDA has worked on Summit Creek in the past and we are excited to be working on the next phase of restoration for this important tributary of the Malheur River. Challenges […]
