Horse Heaven and Cathedral Rock

Tyler Roemer   Website

Deep canyons, remnant old-growth pine forests, and rolling hills covered with juniper, sagebrush, and bunchgrass define the character of the remarkable public lands included in the Horse Heaven and Cathedral Rock proposed wilderness areas.


Tibetan Monks Visit Sutton Mountain

Tibetan Monks Visit Sutton Mountain


Stewardship Pronghorn Fence

Stewardship Pronghorn Fence


Cottonwood Canyon Riparian Soundscape

Cottonwood Canyon Riparian Soundscape

Wildlife thrive in a range of homes

Mid-Columbia summer steelhead, Ferruginous Hawk and a range of wildlife thrive here. The area is particularly important winter habitat for deer, elk, and antelope.

Tyler Roemer   Website

Tyson Fisher   Website

Jim Davis   Website

Currently, both Cathedral Rock and Horse Heaven have “checkerboard” land ownership patterns, with squares of public and private land, which makes them hard to access without the concern of trespassing.

Opening land to the public

ONDA’s work will bring new conservation protection to these lands and will modify ownership and access. When we’re done, our work will open 17,000 acres of land to the public. Doing so will dramatically improve opportunities to hunt, fish, hike, camp, and explore.