Desert Rivers

Sean Bagshaw   Website

In Oregon’s high desert, water is life. Rivers, streams, creeks and lakes are critical to everything Oregonians value about desert public lands, from fish and wildlife to recreation and clean drinking water.

Oregon Natural Desert Association works to protect the most important free-flowing waterways in Oregon’s high desert as Wild and Scenic Rivers. This designation ensures that wild rivers are protected from dams and development that might harm values such as fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, or ecological diversity.

Wade into these resources to learn how you can protect Wild and Scenic Rivers:


Cottonwood Canyon Riparian Soundscape

Cottonwood Canyon Riparian Soundscape


Central Oregon’s “Backyard Wilderness”

Central Oregon’s “Backyard Wilderness”

Our quest to protect the Oregon Badlands

Located just 15 miles east of Bend, Oregon Badlands is a 30,000-acre wilderness area filled with fascinating lava flows and ancient juniper trees Arriving in the Badlands, so named for its rugged and harsh terrain, can feel like stepping

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Terry Butler, 2018 Volunteer of the Year

Terry Butler, 2018 Volunteer of the Year

“If I have to pick a favorite place in Oregon’s high desert, it would be Sutton Mountain, but I’m excited about all of the Wilderness Study Areas,” says Terry, adding, “Each is a gem to explore, and I hope they all get protection someday… I love the scale of the physical beauty of the desert.”