Desert Rivers

Sean Bagshaw   Website

In Oregon’s high desert, water is life. Rivers, streams, creeks and lakes are critical to everything Oregonians value about desert public lands, from fish and wildlife to recreation and clean drinking water.

Oregon Natural Desert Association works to protect the most important free-flowing waterways in Oregon’s high desert as Wild and Scenic Rivers. This designation ensures that wild rivers are protected from dams and development that might harm values such as fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, or ecological diversity.

Wade into these resources to learn how you can protect Wild and Scenic Rivers:


Volunteer Accomplishment in Hart-Sheldon

Volunteer Accomplishment in Hart-Sheldon


Sage-grouse Mating Dance

Sage-grouse Mating Dance


Connecting Trails

Connecting Trails

The Oregon Desert Trail ties into two National Recreation Trails: the Fremont National Recreation Trail and Desert Trail.