How Much Wilderness Do We Need?

Tim Neville

In a recent editorial, The Bulletin asked a good question: “how much land does Oregon have that is appropriate for wilderness?”

The answer is a lot. A heckuva lot.

In Oregon’s high desert alone, federal surveys and volunteer-driven inventories have identified eight million acres of public lands and hundreds of miles of rivers and streams deserving of protection. These treasured places include Steelhead Falls, the John Day River, and the Owyhee Canyonlands — quintessential, irreplaceable landscapes in Oregon’s dry side.

Wilderness designation is a timeless and enduring commitment to preserve this natural heritage. Designation is also increasingly important to protect wildlife, habitats and watersheds from a warming world and a burgeoning biodiversity crisis.

Renowned scientist E.O. Wilson has championed the idea that we save as much as half the Earth to conserve species and ecosystems. The U.S. Senate is already considering a first step: protecting 30 percent of the country by 2030.

Wilderness areas — along with lands and water protected by Wild and Scenic Rivers, national conservation areas, national monuments and other federal designations — can serve as climate refugia for flora and fauna threatened by improvident development, climate change and other factors.

And as The Bulletin noted, protected public lands and waters offer endless recreational opportunities, generating new, sustainable revenue streams for local communities and regional economies.

Oregon Natural Desert Association welcomes this important discussion on conservation, and invites you to join us in protecting our desert public lands, waters and wildlife. 




The Oregon Swallowtail butterfly is the official state insect of Oregon and a true native of the Pacific Northwest. The Swallowtail can be seen in the lower sagebrush canyons of the Columbia River and its tributaries, including the Snake River drainage area.  Source: State Symbols USA

Latin name: Papilio oregonius


Cregg Large, member since 2009

Cregg Large, member since 2009

“I came to Oregon 12 years ago from Texas. Texas, for all its size, has very little public land. Coming to Oregon has made me realize the special gift we as Americans have in our public lands. Volunteering with an organization like ONDA is my way of reciprocating for this gift. Through restoration efforts, I feel we are helping leave a better place than we found it. Through advocating for protection for public lands, we safeguard migration routes for animals and keep the land where it belongs: with the public.”


Great Horned Owls and Western Screech Owls

Great Horned Owls and Western Screech Owls