Independent Stewards

David Hanson

Oregon Natural Desert Association’s independent stewardship projects offers volunteers a self-directed option for promoting a healthy high desert in addition to our structured option of guided stewardship trips.

How It Works

ONDA provides assignments and resources. Volunteers learn new skills and complete critical tasks on their own while giving their high desert adventures an elevated purpose. Stewards receive guidance from ONDA, but are primarily self-directed.

Why It Helps

Independent stewards are critical players in completing stewardship work in the high desert, and perhaps even bringing new stewardship needs to light as they explore Oregon’s dry side with a trained eye. The work our volunteers complete across eastern Oregon informs our conservation and legal work and underpins our ongoing commitment to protect, defend, and restore the high desert.

Subscribe to ONDA’s E-News to hear about new projects and opportunities as they become available throughout the year and watch for new opportunities at the start of each year.


Craig Terry, ONDA member and stewardship volunteer

Craig Terry, ONDA member and stewardship volunteer

“The people I have had the privilege to share time with each season keep me volunteering again and again. Who else but those ONDA staff leaders would make fresh coffee at dawn each morning or pack a watermelon all day to serve as a reward under a juniper in a steep canyon?” Craig, who grew up in northwestern Nevada, says ONDA connects him with places he loves and a mission he believes in. “My grandfather and his father put up wire fences for their ranching needs. Taking out barbed wire sort of completes a circle for me.”


Great Horned Owls and Western Screech Owls

Great Horned Owls and Western Screech Owls


Owyhee Canyon Swallows Sparrows and Rushing Water

Owyhee Canyon Swallows Sparrows and Rushing Water

Corinne Handelman

2024 Stewardship Trips and Projects

Ready to get out into the desert and give it some care? Oregon Natural Desert Association would love to see you on one of the dozens of stewardship trips and […]

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Independent Stewards Accomplishments

Independent stewards are critical players in completing desert restoration projects, and bringing new maintenance needs to light as they explore Oregon’s dry side with a trained eye.

This story highlights the work these volunteers completed in in the program so far.

Check Out The Map

Sage Brown   Website

Sage Brown   Website

Sage Brown   Website


Michael O'Casey