Logan Valley Fence Repair

Ben Gordon


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Organizer: Gena Goodman-Campbell

Dates: June 7-10, 2023

Place: Logan Valley near Strawberry Mountain Wilderness

Difficulty Rating: Level 3: Challenging

Maximum Group Size: 15 participants

About the place

Logan Valley is owned and managed by the Burns Paiute Tribe, and is located in the Upper Malheur River watershed, within the Tribe’s former reservation and aboriginal territory. Tribal members have gathered roots, hunted, and fished along the Malheur River corridor since time immemorial, and the Malheur Watershed remains central to the tribe’s culture and lifeways.

The Burn Paiute Tribe acquired Logan Valley in 2000 with the goal of restoring its streams, riparian areas and meadows. Oregon Natural Desert Association is supporting the Tribe’s efforts to develop a long-term restoration plan for Logan Valley and the two tributaries of the Malheur River that flow through the property. The fence repair work that volunteers will help complete on this trip is a key first step to restoring Logan Valley by protecting the ungrazed riparian area from livestock grazing on neighboring National Forest lands.

Among its many cultural and ecological values, Logan Valley provides critical habitat for bull trout, a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act, and habitat for interior redband trout, as well as a variety of other rare and sensitive species of fish, wildlife, and plants. The project site also provides critical fawning grounds and year-round habitat for pronghorn antelope, as well as habitat for Rocky Mountain elk, mule deer and white tailed deer.

About the stewardship work

This project will support efforts to restore the two creeks running through Logan Valley by repairing sections of the property boundary fence that prevents livestock from grazing in the riparian area. Volunteers will camp on-site and will start work at 8 a.m. each morning and travel back to camp by 4 p.m. The work each day will involve hiking or carpooling to the project location and completing fence repair tasks such as running heavy wire spools, pulling staples and unclipping wire, splicing wires together, and stapling and clipping the new wires. No previous fence repair experience is necessary for this trip and all training, tools and materials will be provided.


Trip Timeline

  • Wednesday, June 7, 4-7 pm: Meet at Logan Valley headquarters to set up camp
  • Thursday-Friday June 8-9: After breakfast we will travel a short distance to the work site to repair fence. Volunteers should plan to be out all day and be prepared for a full day of work.
  • Saturday, June 10: After breakfast we will pack up head home.


We will be car camping at the Logan Valley property headquarters. There is a pit toilet on site but no running water, so volunteers should plan to bring their own cooking and drinking water for the duration of the trip.


Level 3– The physical demands of this trip are moderate. Work involves day hiking to the project site, carrying heavy spools of wire, pounding in posts, and repetitive tasks like pulling staples and unclipping wire.

Participant responsibilities

Participants are responsible for their own food and water/beverages, camping gear and other supplies. Sturdy boots, long pants, long sleeves and eye protection will be required for the work.

Gear provided

ONDA will provide all of the training, tools, and supplies needed to complete fence repair work. While participants are encouraged to bring their own work gloves and eye protection, ONDA will bring enough work gloves for all volunteers and extra eye protection.


An ONDA registration application and medical form are required for this trip.

Apply Now

You will receive a confirmation email within 2 weeks of submitting your form. The confirmation email will provide information regarding which trips you are on the “participant list” for, and which trips are full, and therefore you have been placed on the “wait list.”

Six weeks before the start of the trip, the trip leader will send out an RSVP to make sure everyone is still able to participate. Based on RSVPs, open spaces will be backfilled with people from the waitlist.

Three weeks before the trip start date, registered and confirmed participants will receive driving instructions, maps, carpooling options, and additional information in an email sent by the trip leader

If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact the trip leader.