Guardians of the Owyhee, produced by Bank of the West in collaboration with Lauren Veen and Vincent Tremblay of Fine Grain Pictures, takes us to The Owyhee Canyonlands, where unprecedented threats such as wildfire and invasive species fueled by climate change, mining and extraction of natural resources, and overdevelopment threaten the future of this remarkable landscape. Without a thriving Owyhee region, the surrounding local communities that depend on it won’t be able to exist. In response, people from varied backgrounds, demographics, occupations, and motivations—and from groups that historically have not seen eye-to-eye—have banded together to protect an area of which they all feel fiercely protective. The result of this broad coalition of activists, ranchers, tribal members, small business owners, nature lovers, hunters, and more is real hope that the Owyhee Canyonlands will receive the protection the region’s advocates say it needs and deserves.