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Mac became ONDA’s staff attorney in 2001, after serving as a student law clerk starting in 1999. Mac is a public interest environmental lawyer specializing in natural resource law and litigation, administrative law and process, trial and appellate court practice, working with scientific experts, and in-house client counseling.
Mac is regularly invited to speak on environmental law and public interest litigation issues. He has published papers on topics including non-point source water pollution, soil conservation law, management of endangered salmon in the Columbia River system, and greater sage-grouse conservation and ecology. In his most recent paper, Mac collaborated with a team of scientists to assess the climate impacts of federally-authorized livestock grazing from an ecological and
economic perspective on western public lands.
Mac earned his undergraduate degree from Washington and Lee University and his master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he explored the late Quaternary geomorphic and pedologic history of central Wisconsin’s sand dunes. He received his Juris Doctor at Lewis and Clark Law School, graduating cum laude and with a certificate in environmental and natural resources law. In 2021, he received the Distinguished Environmental Law Graduate Award from Lewis and Clark.
Mac’s also a musician. Check out this blog post to learn more: Meet Mac Lacy.