Author: Corie Harlan | Published: November 20, 2020 | Updated: May 13, 2021 | Category: How-To
The Malheur Community Empowerment for the Owyhee Act provides Malheur County with vital economic development opportunities that support local economies and communities while safeguarding the Owyhee Canyonlands and surrounding public lands for recreation and wildlife habitat for current and future generations.
Desert conservations can urge Oregon’s elected officials to ensure a healthier future for Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands and public lands in Malheur County by refining and passing this visionary, pragmatic and timely legislation.
If you haven’t urged your elected officials to work together to protect Oregon’s Owyhee yet (or lately!), now is a good time to show your support.
1. You can tweet.
A thoughtful tweet can be a great way to get the attention of elected officials. Ready, set, tweet!
[bctt tweet=”It’s time to push a landmark public lands conservation AND rural economic development bill forward, when Oregonians need it most. Let’s protect Oregon’s Owyhee now! @RonWyden @SenJeffMerkley #WildForTheOwyhee” url=”no” via=”no”]
[bctt tweet=”Protected public lands are good for our #health and our #economy. @RonWyden, thanks for working to protect the Owyhee Canyonlands. #WildForTheOwyhee” url=”no” via=”no”]
[bctt tweet=”It’s time to protect more than 1 million acres of important ecological, cultural and recreational resources in the Owyhee Canyonlands!! Pls work to get it passed this Congress! @RonWyden @SenJeffMerkley #WildForTheOwyhee” url=”no” via=”no”]