Gena Goodman-Campbell

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  3. Gena Goodman-Campbell
Events from this organizer

Beatys Butte Fenceline Retrofit #2

adel, or Adel, OR

Join ONDA to retrofit fence and help us improve an important migration corridor. Barbed wire fences present throughout the Beatys Butte area pose risks to wildlife. Low flying sage grouse are known to become entangled in standing fence, while pronghorn and other ungulates may be unable to cross the fence, limiting both their daily movement […]

Logan Valley Fence Repair

Logan Valley NF-1647, Prairie City, OR, United States

Join ONDA for a fence repair trip in support of the the Burns Paiute Tribe's efforts to restore tributaries of the Malheur River on their Logan Valley property.

Muhly Lake Fence Retrofit

This trip is part of a collaboration with the Prineville BLM district focused on retrofitting fences to make them more friendly to wildlife. By retrofitting the fences protecting this mesic, […]