Plan A Trip

Be advised! Stretches of the Oregon Desert Trail route are exceedingly remote. Read the Oregon Desert Trail guidebook descriptions in detail and seriously consider any notes on water scarcity or challenging terrain before setting out.

To make planning easier, ONDA has divided the full 750-mile trail route into four regions and a total of 25 sections of 20 to 40 miles each, all of varying difficulty, and we have extensive information to help you understand what you are getting into and prepare accordingly.


Ryan “Dirtmonger” Sylva, ODT thru-hiker 2017

Ryan “Dirtmonger” Sylva, ODT thru-hiker 2017

“To me, it’s a thru-hike in an isolated place that promotes a conversation in land management, ethics and usage. Hiking across a vast and remote landscape and having a random and chance encounter with cowboys and hunters to discuss how ‘all of us’ should treat the land, how we all have a responsibility, no matter our political leanings, really showed me the pulse of the people in rural areas, especially here out west.”


John Cunningham, ONDA member and volunteer

John Cunningham, ONDA member and volunteer

Restoration is hard slow work. It takes hold, or it doesn’t, in fits and starts. The immensity of the need can be discouraging, but we must carry on. I am so thankful ONDA carries on.


Western Meadowlark Dawn Chorus

Western Meadowlark Dawn Chorus

Sage Brown   Website

Trail Resources

  The resources you’ll find here can be used in combination to help you navigate the Oregon Desert Trail route and to safely travel through the high desert. Conditions on […]

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