A Thru-Hiker’s Message – Stay Home



Jane Heisler, Sage Sustainers Member

Jane Heisler, Sage Sustainers Member

I love to travel and I love the desert! Supporting ONDA monthly allows me to hit the road without forgetting Oregon’s high desert—even when I’m not there.


Mary McCord, ONDA Volunteer

Mary McCord, ONDA Volunteer

“I find enjoyment in the peaceful wide open spaces, geology, and rich history of Oregon’s high desert,” says Mary. Reflecting on volunteering, she continues, “If you have the ability and desire, it’s important to do something to contribute. It doesn’t have to be big, because every little bit helps.”


Cregg Large, member since 2009

Cregg Large, member since 2009

“I came to Oregon 12 years ago from Texas. Texas, for all its size, has very little public land. Coming to Oregon has made me realize the special gift we as Americans have in our public lands. Volunteering with an organization like ONDA is my way of reciprocating for this gift. Through restoration efforts, I feel we are helping leave a better place than we found it. Through advocating for protection for public lands, we safeguard migration routes for animals and keep the land where it belongs: with the public.”

About the author

Riley (they/them) is a trans, long-distance hiker who is currently living in Seattle, Washington with their two cats. They have hiked over 3,000 miles, including the PCT and ODT. When they aren’t hiking, you can find them reading queer sci-fi/fantasy, researching high routes, and petting other people’s dogs. Riley wrote and published a zine about their 2019 hike on the Oregon Desert Trail, and is donating a portion of zine sales proceeds to ONDA. Order your copy today by emailing Riley, or by contacting them on Instagram.

You can follow their Instagram @rileyhikes for photos and updates from their latest adventure, and read more of their writing at rileyonroute.wordpress.com.