Category: In the News

A New Chapter
for the Desert Trail in Oregon

By Renee Patrick, Program Coordinator for the Oregon Desert Trail When ONDA looked east in 2011 with the thought of establishing a desert hiking route that would connect into the […]

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Conservation Update:
Halfway Through 2020

Taking stock of these unprecedented times and all that our communities and the country have experienced in recent months, it is difficult to believe the year 2020 is only half […]

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Standing against
racism and injustice

Dear ONDA members: The recent, senseless murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd and the threat of violence against Christian Cooper have shaken all of us. The protests […]

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Please use Caution on that
Oregon Desert Trail Adventure

Please use caution with any Oregon Desert Trail plans due to COVID 19.  Last updated on February 1, 2021. Oregon cases of COVID-19 are still high in 2021, and even […]

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How Much Wilderness Do We Need?

In a recent editorial, The Bulletin asked a good question: “how much land does Oregon have that is appropriate for wilderness?” The answer is a lot. A heckuva lot. In […]

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Getting Desert Desperate

Five Ideas Admittedly Not as Good as Being in the Desert  Standing in the middle of a vast sagebrush plain, kicking over lichen-crusted rocks, with nothing more to do than […]

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“My favorite spot on earth …”

When Sen. Ron Wyden invited Oregonians to nominate rivers and creeks for protection under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act in fall 2019, hundreds of people spoke up to nominate […]

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Oregon’s High Desert
Amid an Outbreak

The sun on our faces, the scent of sagebrush carried by a breeze, a distant call of raptors flying overhead, and the crunch of bare earth below our feet. We […]

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51 Rivers That Could
Be Wild and Scenic

Author: Renee Patrick | Published: January 2, 2022 | Category: In the News Dear Senator Wyden, Thank you for your visionary leadership to preserve Oregon’s wild rivers, clean water, and […]

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A Major Milestone
for the Owyhee Canyonlands

An impressive and critically important swath of sagebrush steppe habitat in eastern Oregon poised to gain protection as Wilderness On November 7, 2019, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden introduced the Malheur […]

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