Stories and News from ONDA

John Waller   Website

Member Profile:
Whitney “Allgood” LaRuffa

If you have been following the development of the Oregon Desert Trail (ODT) over the past few years, you are probably aware that one of its primary goals is to […]

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High Desert Academy

Welcome to our digital event community ONDA launched this digital events series in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. When everyone was following directives to stay close to home, […]

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A Thru-Hiker’s Message – Stay Home

An Oregon Desert Trail Thru-hiker Recounts a Decision To Get Off the Trail  post by Riley Manning It’s a scary time right now.  As the flowers bloom and the days […]

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Signs of Spring

By Scott Bowler and Lace Thornberg After months of rejuvenating itself in subtle ways, Oregon’s high desert begins pulsing with undeniable signs of spring’s arrival in March, April and May. […]

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Oregon’s High Desert
Amid an Outbreak

The sun on our faces, the scent of sagebrush carried by a breeze, a distant call of raptors flying overhead, and the crunch of bare earth below our feet. We […]

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Ten Superlative Volunteers

Oregon’s high desert is a unique place, full of magic and wonder. The same could be said of those people who give their time and attention so generously to its […]

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Boots, Bikes, Boats
Willamette Valley Tour

Recreation meets conservation along the Oregon Desert Trail! Come to one of these talks in the Willamette Valley to get ideas for hiking, biking or boating your way through Oregon’s high […]

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2019 Conservationist of the Year

“I knew the forests of Central Oregon really well, but the desert was all new to me. The colors of the landscape and the views … just wow.”  –ONDA member […]

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Meet Corie Harlan

An Owyhee Canyonlands Champ If you take solace in knowing that wild places like the Owyhee Canyonlands exist, then you’ve benefitted from Corie Harlan’s work at ONDA. You can get […]

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Appreciating Stormy Skies

Maria Mudd Ruth, author of “A Sideways Look at Clouds,” is fascinated by clouds. In this post, she identifies the clouds seen in the stormy skies over Oregon’s high desert. […]

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